

LEA – Lucca Experientia Artis is a concept conceived and coordinated by Domenico Raimondi – thesignLab. ThesignLab is a laboratory of creatives, designers and architects that operate in the visual and projectual field. LEA promotes the sharing of knowledge with the aim of passing them as it happened in the workshops of artists and artisans of the past.

Domenico Raimondi

Trained as a designer at the European Institute of Design in Turin, Domenico Raimondi earned his degree in Interior Design in 1999. He then specialized in Landscape Design at the Research Center of the European Institute of Design in Milan where he received an International Master’s Degree in Landscape Design.
>From inception he has operated as an independent practitioner in the field of interior design. More specifically his focus is on the co-ordination, organization and management of multi-disciplinary teams covering the full trajectory of a project, from its conception to its final execution.
Within the overall interest for the design and graphic fields, specific initiatives have included interior and museum designs, exhibition stands and event management, image promotion and graphic design, video-making and branding.
>From 1999 onwards he has regularly collaborated with a wide range of professional offices, leading companies, and local institutions. The successful synergy with their respective marketing departments has led to the realization of several design and communication projects.

Scopri thesignLab


ThesignLab is a laboratory of creatives, designers and architects
that operate in the visual and projectual field.
In 2005 ThesignLab became reality and began to operated between two Italian cities: Turin, a post-industrial city and Lucca a Tuscany historical town. ThesignLab lives between these two cities.
Observing theri realities, he works with enthusiasm, aware that design means analysing the society in which he lives and offering creative solutions through his own skill and open-mindedness.
ThesignLab offers a service able to manage all the different phases of the realization process of each single project with perfect timing and absolute control: from the conceiving, through project and realization till final execution and eventual revisions or updating.